The Only 105 Flirty Questions To Ask A Guy You Like

12 min readFeb 21, 2021

You’re interested in a guy and wondering what are the best flirty questions to ask him.

Flirty Questions To Ask A Guy

You might feel there’s mutual attraction and you’re ready to spice things up by asking him flirty and spicy questions. Whether you’ve been texting each other for some time or are already dating but looking to spice things up; being a little flirty can bring some excitement to your conversation.

Whether you’re a fearless soul or timid gal, we’ve come up with 120 awesome flirty questions to ask a guy you like.

Tip: Browse through our list and select the questions you think are fun and see yourself asking. Have a few in mind for your next conversation.

Get To Know Him Better By Asking Him Flirty And Spicy Questions

A great way to get to know a guy is by asking him questions that reveal what he likes about you, what are some of his intimate preferences, and what are some of his favorite things about you are!

Fire away a question by text or surprise him with a flirty question on your next date!

There’s a lot you can learn from a guy by asking him dirty questions that will spice up any slow-moving conversation. Muster up the courage to ask him anything from this list and see where things go from there.

What’s the best strategy to ask a guy flirty questions?

  • Be conscientious of what stage you’re at in the relationship. Is it a good time to insert a flirty question in your next discussion?
  • If you’re going through a rough patch, flirty questions may not be your best bet. Think about your very specific situation and if it feels right.
  • If you think now is the time, be laid back and easy about it. In conversation, find a moment when the conversation is light in the subject matter and start with something less shocking.
  • A really great strategy to ask flirty questions is to tell the guy you like how you feel about him or mention something you really like about him first.

The Best Shockingly Flirty Questions To Ask A Guy

  1. Do you have a sexy secret you dare to share?

This is a bold question to ask a guy you like, but there’s a chance he’ll reveal something you didn’t expect. If you are up for the challenge, he might reveal a past experience, a deep desire, or simply something he’s dreamed of relating to you, only you had no idea!

2. Would you like to take a bath with me?

Is he up for the challenge? You can set up a fun movie or playlist light up some candles and share a bath.

3. What’s the first thing that caught your eye about me?

You might be curious about what is the first thing that catches his eye! Is it your hair, your eyes, or your smile…. You won’t know unless you ask.

4. What was the most exciting activity you did on a first date?

You don,t necessarily want to dig out his past but might get to know him better by asking what was the funniest time he’s ever had on a first date.
Did you go in a hot air balloon, go to a music festival or simply try a new restaurant?

5. Do you like giving massages?

You might be in need of a massage because you have a sore neck… Well anyway, you’re just asking if that door is open.

6. Is it sexy if a girl makes the first move?

Does he like bold or more reserved women and what does he consider ‘a first move’ anyway? Maybe he likes women to take the lead and affirm their interest… Dare to ask!

7. What turns you on about me?

At this stage, you are ready to ask him exactly what excites him about you. You want to know what he likes and how to capitalize on that!

8. Do I sometimes make you shy?

You may wonder why it sometimes takes time to get him talking! Perhaps he blushes at the first sight of you! You want to know if he has on crush on you.

9. Do you know how you make me feel?

Ready for a bold move? Ask him if he has any idea how you feel about him… At this point, you are ready to tell him all the great things he does and the way you’re definitely into it!

10. Have you imagined me naked before?

You’re wondering if he thinks of you that way… You might be in the early stages of courtship and want to take things to the next level? Go ahead, ask him if he’s ever thought about you naked!

11. Do you prefer to kiss or makeout?

You might be curious what is his style or if he’s on the shy side.

12. What would be the first thing you’d like to try with me sexually?

This is a spicy and very flirty question! Mutual attraction is already established and you want to find out what his modus operandi is… You want to get a glimpse of his fantasies and creativity overall… Ready to get a spicy answer?

13. Have you been working out?

If you’re looking for a compliment question that will make him smile, ask him if he’s been hitting the gym…

14. What’s your favorite smell on a girl?

Your guy may not have an answer to this, but if he does you might be surprised at how knowledgeable he is in scents and perfumery. Some men like girly and fruity scents while others like a girl that takes on a bold oriental stance. It could be interesting to see what smells he likes and what emotions they trigger for him!

15. Have you ever thought about me intimately?

It may be early on and you want to know if he’s attracted to you! Shoot for the stars by asking him if he’s thought of you intimately and perhaps follow-up with what he had in mind in that case.

16. Where would you take me for a romantic getaway?

If you’re a dreamer and want to bring your guy along in the fantasy, ask him where he’d like to bring you for a romantic getaway… Get his imagination flowing and describing all the exciting things he’d like to do with you! You’ll both be so excited you might even make it happen!

17. Do you like to be lead or take the lead?

Wondering what he likes when things get steamy? Ask him if he likes to lead or be lead and get him to reveal a thing or two. This might turn both of you on and give a little more insight into what might happen next…

18. Would you like to go out or stay in tonight?

Does he like to stay in or have an exciting night out and about… It might depend on his mood, but getting to know if your guy is more of a low-key personality or bubbly firecracker might help you plan a better date!

19. Are you down to try something new with me?

Curious to know if your guy is willing to explore and try something new? It might also be an indicator of how into you he is.

20. Do you want to wake up beside me?

You‘re ready to take things to next level and wondering if he’s up for it too? Ask him if he’s into waking up next to you in the morning.

The 20 Best Flirty Questions To Message A Guy

18. How would you like to tease me?

This question is sure to get the guy you like excited. If he’s into dirty talk, you might have him reveal really juicy details.

19. Do you have dreams about me?

If you’re getting to know the guy you like, asking him this flirty question is a great way to get to know if he’s interested in you.

20. Do you prefer lace or satin underwear?

Spicy! If you want to get him to reveal what his boudoir fashion favorite is, ask away.

21. If I could only wear one piece of clothing around you what would it be?

If you had been dared to only sport one item of clothing, what would he choose? A pair of socks? Or simply some underwear? You must ask if you want to find out.

22. Can you come over now?

This question goes right to the point. If you’ve established there is a strong attraction between both of you, this is a great question to ask the guy you like to take things to the next level.

23. Do you prefer hot or cold sensations?

This is a somewhat juicy question that only your crush will dare answer. If you were to take things up a notch which one would he go for?

24. What is your monthly average?

This is definitely a general question. If you’re already on the topic of intimacy then he should understand what you mean. This could be a great indicator of your crush’s drive and how active he is to keep up with his libido.

25. Would you like to be blindfolded?

This is definitely a kinky question, you can definitely get a wide range of answers for that one. Funny and/or flirty.

26. Would it excite you if we kissed in public?

If you’re wondering how the guy you like feels about public displays of affection then this is a great question to ask.

27. Have you ever been bitten before in bed?

Here’s another flirty and inky question to ask a guy you like, who knows what he’ll answer. Perhaps you’ll be opening a completely new area of discussion and discover more about the guy you like. Don’t forget to share your experience and opinion as well.

28. Who is your dream girl, if you couldn’t have me?

This is a funny and pretty sure of yourself question to ask a guy you like. If you’re curious if he’s interested in you he’ll be a little shy to answer, he might also mention another beautiful woman he knows or a celebrity crush that comes to mind. This is a great question to ask a guy you have a crush on as it has a lot of character and spice.

29. What do you find interesting about me?

This is a bold question to ask your crush, you’re definitely trying to getting a compliment out of him. This might turn him on.

30. What outfits turn you on the most that women wear?

This is an interesting question to ask if you’re thinking of your next outfit if you’re planning a date with the guy you like. Dress, shorts, skirt, or overall? This is a fun question!

31. What physical features are you attracted to the most in women?

Have you ever wondered what your crush notices first in women, or about you? Is he attracted by a woman’s voice? Her style? Her smile? There are so many features that it’s almost impossible to guess; you’ll definitely have to ask to know.

32. Do you consider yourself adventurous or practical in bed?

This is a really exciting question to ask a guy you like. Maybe you’re already trying to find out what horoscope sign he is to find out his intimate style! This can be a surprising question to ask a guy, the more open-minded he is, the more he’ll love answering this question.

33. What personality trait turns you on about me?

This flirty question is definitely acknowledging that you know he has a little something for you! You’re taking a bold stance by asking him this question!

34. Would you take a bath with me?

A flirty question much?

35. What excites you?

In general terms, this question could mean a variety of things. A great way to ask this question is when you’re already on the topic of intimacy and attraction. This question might reveal some of his interests and preferences. Don’t be shy, share yours too!

36. What part of your body is the most sensitive to touch?

If you’re up for a challenge, this question is it. If you’re ready to take things to the next level and want to find out what’s the best way to get him fired up; the answer to this will do it.

37. Do you prefer butt or boobs?

Don,t be surprised if the answer to this question somehow lands outside of these two choices!

38. Do you prefer a skirt or shorts?

If you’re wondering what to wear on a hot summer day, asking your crush what to wear on a date might help make things a little flirty.

39. What is a funny sex moment you’ve experienced?

All flirtiness aside, sometimes a great question has to include a little laughter. Ask the guy you like what his funny sexual moment was like and how things went on after. Be ready to have your own funny story to share, it’s only fair.

40. Who’s your celebrity fantasy?

This is such a fun question to ask a guy you like, you might be surprised with the answer he comes up with.

The Ultimate Flirty Questions To Ask A Guy That Will Excite Him

41. What was your wildest sex dream?

If you’re curious what some of his fantasies are, ask him a question that won’t be able to handle like this one.

52. What do you wear to bed when you are in the mood?

This is a quirky flirty question. Maybe the guy you like isn’t into moody outfits or even prefers to wear nothing! Find out by asking him this flirty question.

53. Have you ever been intimate with a stranger?

Imagine hooking up with a stranger on a vacation or with a colleague from another city? If you’re a curious and not too jealous soul, ask him this one.

54. If you let go of any shyness, what would you do right now?

Isn’t this the million-dollar question? If we didn’t have all these inhibitions, what would we do?

55. What is the most beautiful body part on a girl?

Surprisingly, the answer to this question yields a really wide variety of answers. You might be surprised by the answer he gives away.

56. Who is the most unusual person you had a crush on?

Everybody has definitely a crush on somebody that wasn’t normally their ‘type’! Imagine hearing the guy you like had a crush on his high school teacher, or a random girl who he met once. It can be really fun and interesting t hear his unexpected crush stories.

57. Do you like to be a little rough?

Playing rough can be fun! Is he into it? Find out.

58. What are you tempted to try for the first time?

Want to be the ultimate flirt? This flirty question is sure to show excitement and enthusiasm?

59. What’s the dirtiest sentence a girl has ever told you?

60. What room turns you on?

70. How many times in a row have you done it?

71. What was one of your wildest sex dreams?

72. Have you ever hooked up with someone on tinder?

73. Would you like to take all my clothes off?

74. If I were naked in front of you, what would you do?

75. Lights on or lights off?

76. Shaved or unshaved?

77. What would you like to wear for you right now?

78. Have you ever slept with someone significantly older than you?

79. Have you ever been handcuffed in bed?

80. Could you send me a photo of you right now?

81. What dirty phrase would turn you on right now?

82. Would you like me to play hard to get?

83. Before going to work, what will we do to wake ourselves up?

84. Do you like being surprised in bed?

85. What’s the dirtiest thing a girl has done to you?

86. What’s your favorite finishing position?

87. Is there a movie or song that puts you in the mood?

88. Do you like bringing in a dangerous element during sex?

89. How do you feel about going on a sexy vacation together?

90. Have you ever been excited by seeing your friend kiss another girl?

91. Have you ever wanted to try toys on me?

92. Is there something from ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ you would like to try with me?

93. What piece of underwear of mine would you like to keep?

94. Would you like to play a little aggressively with me?

95. Can I try to tie you up to the bed?

96. Would you like to role-play in bed?

97. Would you like to try something new in every room of the house?

98. Is there a toy you would like for me to try on you?

99. What’s your favorite move in bed?

100. Are you ready for me to come over now?

101. What unexpected sexual desire do you have?

102. Can I bite your neck?

103. If I drive, will you follow my lead?

104. Would you like to shower with me now?

105. What are you waiting for?

Flirty Questions Are Great to Spice Up The Interaction

If you are looking to spice things up with flirty and sexy questions, this list has no shortage of that. Remember to keep things light and fun and to ask these questions in what feels like the right context.

This might be the little push needed to take things to the next level…

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